Reflection on the Past Year

As we wrap up another Christmas holiday, I find myself in reflection on the past year and the time spent with friends and family.
Reflection at Christmas
The kids are grown, which means the season looks different than it used to. Some family members are no longer with us and some are new. There is sadness for those missing, while there is excitement to see Christmas through young, fresh eyes.
What a glorious reminder that we can be going through tough circumstances but there is always joy available to tap into. This reminder makes me think of the toughest time in my life, losing a man in my life that had been a significant influence on who I am today. My step-dad was an amazing, generous person. He had an infectious smile and a loud belly laugh. He loved his family well and was always willing to help others. But just like everyone else, he struggled. I don’t think he ever really thought of himself in a positive light.
Embrace the Positive
Why are we often not able to embrace the positive about ourselves and in our lives? We spend more time focusing on the negative events in our past than we do on how far we have come. Reflection on the past should also so the growth to where we are.
God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of Earth.” Genesis 1:27 (MSG)
Live Boldly
As humans we are to fill the earth and take charge doing it! But yet so many of us live in the shadows sometime instead of stepping into the dreams of our hearts. Why? What keeps us from starting that business or non-profit? Why do we tell ourselves that we are not capable enough for what God has put in our hearts? I would venture to say its fear. Fear of failure and in that failure, having others think less of us. Maybe it’s fear of the unknown. Furthermore, it might also be a fear of succeeding.
It takes boldness and strength to step into our calling, right? I disagree with that. I dare say we must courageously chase our dreams while facing our fears!
Find Your Battle Buddies
I’ve heard it said that we should be passionate and possibly even a bit crazy about out going after our calling. There will be some that won’t come along with you for the ride but that’s ok, they weren’t meant to be part of it. You will find yourself surrounded by the ones God wants around you to be part of the calling. They will be your battle buddies, your prayer warriors, etc.
Speak Your Dream
Start saying out loud the dream or calling you feel in your spirit. You will find yourself amazed and in awe of the people that are put in your path who see the vision and want to be along for the ride. Believe in it! Don’t let fear keep you down. Remember that we are all broken people and God empowers those who are called.
Don’t let your past struggles keep you from stepping into the amazing future ahead for you if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone. Just keep taking the next right step, even if it is in fear.

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