Mouse among Giants
Finding your way through to feeling comfortable among giants.
Stepping into the Unknown
Recently, I attended a vision board class with a group of other women at Sky Oro; an amazing women’s community. I was really excited to attend yet nervous. I had decided to go with expecting good things and with an open heart and mind. I am ready for connection with women making their dreams come true.

Attending is truly a BIG step for me. I am not the outgoing, confident type by any means. But attend I did. Now, even though in e mind I was telling myself it was going to be great, I was fearful. I can tend to overthink everything in my life! This day was no exception, I wondered if I could make conversations, feel comfortable as I shared, would I be vulnerable in sharing or hold my cards close to my chest? And on and on.
Room Full of Giants
Upon arrival, I observed many inspiring female entrepreneurs entering, each having launched their own ventures. As well as being wives and mothers. As I leaned into the journaling prompts, this was to get our dreams of what this year could be flowing, I started to question myself a bit about whether should I be there. I didn’t feel that I was the same caliber of woman. The giant I was fighting was internal; thoughts of worth, ability, and jealousy honestly were creeping up into my thoughts.
I wondered, why had their lives been so different than mine? What or who in their lives gave them the drive and encouragement to achieve all they had thus far and still were? Why had my life been so different? I really felt small and not as competent; a mouse among giants.
More Alike than Different
As we started to share some of the things we journaled I realized that we were more alike than different. I may have not built a successful business-yet! But as we shared I realized we have the same feelings and struggles. With this realization, I found the courage to be honest and vulnerable. Even though I am starting my dreams later on in my life doesn’t make them any less meaningful. It doesn’t make me any less valuable. Life has given me many lessons to now share, encourage, and support other women who are going through similar situations.
What an amazing day it turned out to be because I allowed myself to be uncomfortable. That un-comfort quickly turned into meaningful conversations and a time of inward reflection on what I truly want out of life this year and in the future. By doing the things that scare me, find myself blessed with acceptance and encouragement from amazing women around me. They have helped me see my worth and build my confidence.
Vision for the Future
This particular day I was able to not only envision a future in my mind but to also be able to put it down on paper to look at and encourage my soul daily. God gave us feelings, He gave us dreams. It is how we use them that build us into who we are designed to be. If we lean into fear too much we can become frozen and stagnant.
As I finished up my day, I felt different, I felt empowered and like I had turned a corner in my confidence. I still have so much more growth to accomplish in this area, but each step is a celebration.
You are Not Alone
I believe that we all at some point feel like a mouse among giants; I believe that it is how we respond to these times that builds our character.
If you find yourself feeling inadequate or have feelings of less than, remember you are not alone. Keep moving forward one right step at a time. Allow yourself to dream and plan out how to make those dreams a reality. Take time for yourself and make your own vision board. Please share your vision with me.